OSSSC Forest Guard 27 April 1st Shift Questions

OSSSC Forest Guard 27 April 1st Shift Questions

Exam Date : 27 April 2024

Forest Guard 1st Shift Questions 

  • Mesh Topology Releated Question Computer
  • Ctrl + Shift + F8 : Shortcut Key
  • Microprocessor Used in which Generation of computer
  • In Excel Other Name of Active Cell : Current Cell
  • Sandhi of Nabada :
  • Lokabani & Rudhi : 4ta Questions
  • Passage 3 ta Question
  • Active passive Questions : 1te
  • Past Tense Question : 1te
  • Antonym & Synonyms : 3ta Questions
  • Spirogyra Released Science Question
  • LCM of 4, 14
  • Ratio Releated Ratio Question
  • Kashmir of Odisha : DaringiBadi
  • 1st International Cricketer have 200 run :
  • Capital of Tamil Nadu :
  • Largest Stadium of World : Gujurat
  • Pratisabda of Surya :
  • Prabruti Opposite Word : Nibruta
  • Sandhi of Rajasri :

OSSSC Forest Guard 27 April 1st Shift Questions

  • Anartha mula : natara gobardhana
  • Alana Katha : Mulya Hina Katha
  • Kriya Releated 1 Questions
  • Bakya Releated 1 Questions
  • Who is the chairman of Drafting Committe : B.R. Ambadkar
  • Alamati Dam : Krishina River
  • Largest River of Karnataka :
  • 2/4 + 5/4 +
  • 30% of 90 =
  • Time & Work Questions
  • RBI Governor : Shaktikant Das
  • Nobel Prize 1901 :
  • Revolution 2020 Author :
  • Kaziranga National Park : Assam
  • RAM :
  • Largest Producer of Bauxite : Odisha
  • Nua Odisha Mo Odisha :
  • Synonyms of Little :
  • International Science Festival 2023 : Haryana
  • Who achieved doube century in just 128 deliveries : Maxwell
  • DNS Full Form :
  • which committee Recomended for opening up fo teh insurance sector to private player : Malhotra committee
  • Who built taj mahal : Sahajan
  • President Draupaid murmu previously serves as Governor of which State : Jharkhand
  • Who have built biggest network of canals during the region of Delhi Sultanate : Firozshah tughlaq
  • Oxygen was Discover by ; Pristley
  • 1st governor of RBI : Osborne Smith
  • Chauri Chaura Incident : 1922
  • 1st Padmashree Award : Sha Devi
  • hardest Substance of Human Body ; tooth Enamel
  • Chmical Reaction Releated Questions
  • SPAM :
  • Personal Computer : 4th Generation
  • which Virus not detected by : Stealth Virus
  • 108th Indian Science Congress Held in which state : Maharashtra
  • Be Upasarga :
  • Good Ozone Bad Ozone Releated Questions
  • bargy Byanjan Questions :

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