Forest Guard 2 May 1st Shift Questions

Forest Guard 2 May 1st Shift Questions

Exam Date : 02 May 2024

  • Which State tops in sugarcane productio : UP
  • Annihilation of caste was written by : Ambedakar
  • 5 Kingdom Classification
  • Ctrol + O :Hide selected column
  • Which can be found between metals and non metals : arsenic
  • 1st Antibiotic peniclin was discovered by : Alexander Fleming
  • Food Security Scheme : 2028
  • Intranet print reset :
  • Font Shortcuty Key :
  • The Gene Transfer from one Genra to other is called : Heredity
  • Animal live on sea floor : Benthic
  • Less than PH7 is : Acidic
  • Which element react with water : Alkali metal
  • Real time operating system : 2ta
  • IPV4 how many bits : 32 bits
  • IMF HQ : Washington DC
  • Scientific name of patato : Solanum Tubersum
  • Study of weather and climate : meteorology
  • Powwer Formula : P = IV
  • Olympic 2024 will held in which country : France
  • Which state has largest coastal Area : Gujarat
  • Ohm’s Law
  • Plural form of Indexes :
  • ALU Full Form :
  • Nobel Peace Prize Winner :

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Forest Guard 2 May 1st Shift Questions, Forest Guard 2 May 1st Shift Questions

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